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Blüthner, Leipzig, ca. 1867

Serial number: 3914. The keyboard compass is 7 octaves, AAA-a4, the case is rosewood veneered. Two pedals: una corda and damping.

Restoration, 2013

 The instrument turned up in Berlin where it must have been sitting on its side in the water for a long time, the veneer of the spine and the tail was missing and lost and many glueing joints were loose. Somebody painted the whole instrument black.
The pin block had been ruined by the thickest possible modern tuning pins. 
A completely new pin block was made; the soundboard was taken out and taken apart in all the pieces it was made of, and was subsequently carefully rebuilt, using every original piece.

Recordings, a selection

Bluthner Martinov
Yury Martynov
3 Liszt transcriptions of Beethoven Symphonies.
Outhere Music
Yury Martynov
Beethoven – Liszt
Symphonies 3 & 8
Outhere Music

Yury Martynov
Beethoven-Liszt, Symphony No. 9 op. 125 piano transcription
Alpha-classics, Alpha 227

Blüthner, 1867

Julius Blüthner started his company in Leipzig in 1853 and quickly became one of the leading piano manufacturers in Germany. This piano still has quite a few ‘fortepiano characteristics’, i.e. it is straight strung and the grain of the wood of the soundboard runs parallel to the strings, – details that only add to attractiveness of this beautiful instrument to the collection.

Miniature of Emile Stubenvoll by an unknown artist, ca. 1870 

Miniature ca. 1870